2020. 5. 18. 14:58 번역


1. What is bilingualism?

As the above video shows, everybody’s got a different opinion. For some, being bilingual means being able to communicate effortlessly in two languages, even if one was learned later in life and communication takes an occasional detour. Others take error-free grammar and perfect pronunciation as the benchmarks. And it’s not just we mere mortals who are divided — scholars are equally split because the criteria and measurements are simply too vague and varied to settle on any one definition. From this, we can draw at least one conclusion: Bilingualism is a relative label, a question of degree rather than dichotomy. It’s also a fundamentally subjective phenomenon, one that is first and foremost felt.

Do you feel it?

Languages are not inanimate objects, to be acquired once and then kept in the dusty storeroom of the mind. They are living things that capture our imagination and define our reality: Language, emotion and identity are tightly bound together. It may be that somebody speaks a language perfectly from childhood yet still doesn’t see herself as bilingual because she doesn’t live in that country and doesn’t feel in touch with the culture, humor and social signifiers. Others see themselves as bilingual from the moment they feel able to express themselves without restraint or hesitation.

For the purpose of this article, let’s settle on a common definition: Bilingual people are those who grew up speaking two languages and are able to switch effortlessly between the two. If we take this as a starting point, we can ask the question: What particular psychological characteristics are found in these people? Or put differently, how does the bilingual brain work?

2. The bilingual brain

World and language

Language creates our first connection to the world. The newborn child that takes a deep breath and cries out is both expressing itself and letting the world know it’s there. During infancy, grammar and vocabulary emerge (in all cultures, if you believe Chomsky’s idea of Universal Grammar) and influence how you engage with the world (if you subscribe to a more Whorfian view that language affects perception).

What about people who possess two possible linguistic systems to express an idea or a feeling? For a long time bilingualism was considered negative: The overwhelming opinion was that such an upbringing could cause confusion, especially in small children. Then in 1962, a study from Peal and Lambert that looked at the relationship between intelligence and language fundamentally altered the outlook. More recent studies have even claimed that bilingual people have a stronger “meta-linguistic awareness,” which applies to problem solving in areas outside of language, such as mathematics.

Although we can quantify some of the cognitive benefits of bilingualism, there are still many questions about how the bilingual brain works. Does it “choose” one of the language paths instead of the other? Is this influenced by ease, or context, or which synapses have been most strengthened over time? (This opens up a whole new can of worms — the idea of both languages being “equally strong” is also a red herring.) Researchers such as Lera Boroditsky have described differences between mono- and bilinguals in perceptions of color, and representations of time.

Brot, baguette and cognitive reference systems

The idea of having different linguistic systems can be illustrated by the difference between the German Brot and the French baguette – both essentially referring to bread. On the one hand, you’ve got that warm, golden brown, crunchy baguette, which you might dunk in a coffee or enjoy with a five-course cheese platter. On the other side is dark Brot, pure or with grains, moist and compact, healthy, delicious and filling. The words do not live in the same imaginary worlds; they conjure different memories, emotions and cultural references. They belong to different cognitive reference systems, and a bilingual person who wishes to speak of bread has a variety of means available to them.

A comparison with synesthesia illuminates the concept further. Those affected by synesthesia confuse two senses, like seeing and hearing. A synesthete might literally see music in the form of different colors, and therefore have access to two senses that help them describe the music. As a consequence their description may appear richer, more metaphorical or figurative. Many poems, as well as expressions in everyday use, draw on synesthetic principles — that’s why we speak of warm or cold colors. The more connections in the brain, the more conceptual possibilities are awoken. This so-called cognitive flexibility is associated with creativity and seems particularly pronounced among bilingual people.

Happy accidents

Weird and wonderful cross-linguistic inventions can occur when you juggle more than one language on a daily basis. If a word slips your mind, or indeed there is no other way to express something, you can grab for a solution from another language. I remember having coffee with a German friend and making a particularly excellent (okay, awful) pun. She looked up at me with a grimace and asked me “if I’d had a clown for breakfast.” She speaks both English and German, and that creative phrase is how she needed to express herself in that moment.

3. Carpe diem

Only 13% of all UN countries are officially monolingual. If you grew up in one of them (United States, Australia, England, here’s looking at you), don’t despair. It’s not too late to take the plunge. Learning a new language is like exercise for your brain: it helps stimulate and increase brain connections.

Some claim that language learning has influenced their life and personality, that they are more open, creative, confident and tolerant in the new language. It’s certainly true that languages change people — it’s not uncommon to see a different side of them when they’re speaking another tongue. So seize the day — free the clown — and start learning that language.

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Marion Maurin

Marion Maurin's German roots were well hidden: her German mother moved to France at the age of 21, obtained French citizenship and brought her children up in French. At 21, Marion followed the same path, but this time going in the opposite direction from France to Germany in order to study philosophy.

Articles by Marion Maurin

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posted by 브룽브룽
2015. 8. 23. 13:13 번역


: jovial

뭔가 기쁘게 소리지르며 발표하는것.


얼핏 자동차에 탑승할때 타다 이렇게 생각할수있지만. 그건 아님. ㅠㅠ

posted by 브룽브룽
2015. 8. 23. 09:36 번역

향 약품 정보.. details.



Drugs are chemicals that alter, block, or mimic chemical reactions in the brain.

약물또는 마약: 두뇌 속의 케미컬 작용을 변경도 할 수 있음

This causes an alteration of the body's normal processes, causing physical (Faster heartbeat, deeper respiration etc.), or mental (Elevated mood, new thought processes etc.) changes.

신체 대사 과정등에 변화를 야기해서... 변형을 가져옴.

Drugs are used for a myriad of purposes, from anaesthesia, to psychotherapy, to just being able to wake up in the morning (Caffeine).

마약: 마취 라들지 심리 사이코 세라피를 위해서라들지위 이유에 의해 복용되는데...

Drugs that are used for personal pleasure (often illegally) are called Recreational Drugs.
단지 기쁨 쾌락을 위해 사용되기도 함.

Traditional RD's include marijuana, alcohol (Yes, it is a drug), MDMA (ecstasy), mushrooms, LSD, methamphetamine, heroin, crack/cocaine.

마리화나 알콜 엑스터시 엘에스디. 메타페타민. 헤로인 코케인등의 종류가 있다.

Recreational drugs come under many criticisms, and praise by opponents, and users alike.

Some believe the use of RD's to be immoral, and life-threatening, while others believe that new and thoughtful insights can come from drug use (especially psychedelics like mushrooms, and LSD)

혹자는 비윤리적이라는 이유에서 비난하지만 어떤이는 마약을 새로운 시각을 갖게하는 해결책으로 본다.

Other drugs include caffeine, psychedelic mushrooms diphenhydramine, dimehydrinate, mesculine, morphine, dextromethorphan, PCP, and chocolate (Chocolate contains theobromine, which is an effective cough suppressant, possibly more effective than cough syrups, which are also drugs. Theobromine has mild mood elevating effects. It's also the reason you don't feed chocolate to your pets.)
Contrary to popular belief, drugs are not for stupid people. Stupid people are the reason that recreational substances cause such a problem in society.

If used responsibly, drugs can bring about new insights, and positive life changes, or can be used to just sit back and relax after a hard day's work. They can leave you with a better, and renewed appreciation of life.

잘 복용하면 물론 괜찮다고...

(This is usually the work of psychedelics) Keep in mind that responsible drug use is just that: responsible. Using certain drugs with high addiction potential, like cocaine, crack, heroin, and methamphetamine to name a few, is not responsible, unless you have amazing willpower.

코케린 크렉 헤로인 메타페타민 등은 반드시 피해야 한다.

Substances like marijuana, MDMA, and LSD to name a few can all be used responsibly, and can be very fun, but if used often, they can be detrimental to your health.

마리화나 엘에스디 등은 그나마 좀 낫긴 한데 장기적으로 중독 가능성 있음.

LSD could warp your very perspectives on life to the point where you can't even look at certain things the same way anymore. Ecstasy is a neurotoxin which can leave you with long term depression. Finally, heavy marijuana use will damage your lungs (If smoked), and can leave you very unmotivated, and lethargic. It will also cause a mild cognitive impairment that will disappear after cessation of use.

In closing to this long rant, if you're intelligent, drugs won't make you stupid. If used responsibly, drugs can be a catalyst to a better, more motivated, and eventful life. As long as your drug use doesn't cross into other areas of your life (Work, school, social) you'll be alright.
잘만 이용된다면 얼마든지 모티베이셔널하게 효과를 본다. 직장 학업에 지장을 주지 않는 한 즐겁고 책임감있게 복용할 수 있다.

On the other end of the spectrum, if you're an idiot and use drugs because it's hella fun, and cool, and you use them chronically, then they will probably catalyze your downfall. Especially if you blow guys at parties for your fix.

If you don't want to use drugs, that's fine, I respect that, and your friends should too. But please, all anti-drug people out there, don't bitch at people for doing them, and telling them that they are fucking up their lives. Unless they actually are. Blowing guys are parties, doing crack everyday, robbing convienience stores for drug money, and smoking pot in class are all signs that your friend is a fuck-up who needs to stop drugs.

Remember, it's not the drugs people use, it's the people who use them.

어떤 사람이 어떤 목적에 따라 이용하느냐 이것이 문제다.

posted by 브룽브룽
2015. 6. 13. 11:13 번역
MERS-CoV particles.

6/11일자 기사이다 보니까, 지금 시점과 약간 다를 수 있음을 유의하시기 바랍니다~~~

Currently, the Republic of Korea is investigating an outbreak of a pathogen that’s far from home: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). As of June 11, 2015, there have been up to 121 known MERS cases in Korea, resulting in nine deaths. The outbreak has been concentrated around hospitals, which are acting as epidemiological epicenters of MERS transmission.

지금 한반도는 애초 시작한 중동 지역과 너무도 멀리 떨어진 곳으로부터 넘어온 바이러스와 싸우고 있다 중동호흡기증후군이라고 불리우는 메르스는, 한반도에서만 유월 11일 현재 9명의 사망자와 121명의 감염자를 기록했다.  병원 건물 내부의 환경이 메르스를 손쉽게 전염시키는 중심 역할을 한 것이다.

The concentration of cases within hospitals has caused the government of Korea to publicly name 24 MERS-affected hospitals, presumably to provide the public with information about which ones are safe to use if needed. The government has also closed over two thousand schools and nineteen universities in an attempt to limit the spread of the virus. Additionally, almost three thousand citizens of Korea are in quarantine.

병원 내부에서 감염되었다는 사실로 압박을 받은 박근혜정부의 보건복지부는 24개의 메르스에 감염된 병원의 이름을 공개했었으며, 아마도 청와대와 정부는 국민들에게 어느 병원이 안전한 가에 대한 정보를 주려는 의도였지 않을까 싶다. (과연?!? 우리 국민은 그렇게 생각안할텐데,..울며 겨자먹기식으로 공개한거 아님?)

박근혜정부는 또한 교육부 산하의 이천개의 초중고교와 19개 대학교를 폐쇄조치를 내렸으며, 이는 메르스 전염을 막기위해서였다. 또한 수천명의 시민이 격리조치되어야만 했다.

Though this outbreak has been receiving a fair amount of news coverage, the CDC does not advise Americans to change travel plans that include Korea at this time.

이러한 전염병이 사람들의 입방아에 오르고 있지만,  CDC 당국은 한국에 대한 방문계획을 바꾸라는 애기는 안했다.  (아무래도 미국 기사이다 보니까, 미국인 시점에서 쓰고 있습니다. 참고로 CDC는 미국 질병관리본부입니다)


요로케 생겼습니다.

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is caused by a coronavirus called MERS-CoV. Coronaviruses are a common type of virus, named because they have viral spikes that protrude from their surface, making them resemble crowns when viewed under an electron microscope. Most people will get infected by some form of a coronavirus at some time in their lives—it is thought that a large percentage of common colds are caused by coronaviruses, which typically infect the upper respiratory and digestive tracts of mammals or birds.


메르스는 코로나바이러스 계의 변종의 RNA  바이러스로서, 현미경을 통해 봤을때, 표면에 마치 왕관 처럼 보이는 모양의 돌기들 때문에 코로나바이러스라는 이름이 붙었다. (표면의 뾰족한 부분은 스파이크 단백질이다.) (알파, 베타, 감마, 델타의 4가지 속(屬, genus)으로 세분된다.)  대부분의 사람들은 살면서 가끔씩 한번 쯤 이러한 코로나 바이러스에 침입당할 수 있다. 


There are, however, some more serious infections also caused by these viruses, including MERS and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Just as there is no vaccine for the common cold, there is no vaccine currently available for MERS. Researchers believe that MERS likely entered the human population via dromedary camels in Saudi Arabia, in a scenario similar to the Ebola virus’ links to human contact with bats and primates in Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo.


그러나, 이러한 코로나바이러스는  사스 같은 치명적인 급성 호흡기 증후군으로 변종할 수도 있다는 것을 유념해야 한다. 감기의 백신이 없는 것처럼, 메르스의 백신은 현재까지 없다.

콩고 자이르 지역에서 에볼라에 감염된 박쥐와 영장류를 통해 인간 역시 에볼라에 감염되었던 것처럼, 메르스 역시 낙타를 통해 사람에게 전염시킬 수 있다고 전문가들은 지적한다.


※ 참고 !  - 에볼라 -

(지난해 전 세계를 휩쓸고 지나간 에볼라는 호흡기 전염병이 아닙니다..에볼라는 감염된 사람의 혈액이나 체액의 직접 접촉에 의해 전파된다는 점에서 메르스, 사스, 신종플루와는 다르구요... 박쥐와 영장류 등 감염된 동물로부터 에볼라가,  우연히 사람에게 전파되는 것으로 알려졌지만 명확한 감염 경로는 규명되지 않았다. 메르스처럼 감염자와 밀접하게 접촉하거나, 주삿바늘을 공유해서 침·땀·혈액 등을 통해 전파된다고 알려졌다. 잠복기는 2~21일이며 발열과 근육통, 구토, 설사 등의 증상을 보이다 7~10일 사이 사망한다. 에볼라는 치사율은 25~90%가량이며, 1970년대 이 병이 콩고민주공화국 에볼라강 인근에서 처음 발생해 이름이 붙었다.)



The typical symptoms of MERS include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. It can also cause digestive problems, such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Some MERS patients become susceptible to severe complications, such as pneumonia or kidney failure. The CDC reports MERS is typically fatal in approximately three to four patients out of every 10, though those who die typically suffer from an underlying medical condition, such as cancer or chronic diseases of the lung, heart, or kidney. The fatality rate in the current outbreak is not as high as this, and some infected persons only report mild cold symptoms or are asymptomatic.

메르스 증상은 대개 고열, 기침, 호흡곤란등이다. 또한, 소화계의 구토, 설사, 메슥거림의 증상역시 동반한다. 몇몇의 메르스 환자는 이러한 폐렴, 신장병등의 합병증에 걸릴수도 있다. 메르스는 감염자 열명중에 네명이 사망할 정도로 강력하다고  CDC는 발표했다.

MERS is communicated from close contact with infected individuals. Like most respiratory illnesses, it’s spread via an infected individual’s respiratory secretions. In other words, when infected individuals cough or sneeze, they produce airborne globules that can spread the virus, though the precise mechanisms of transmission are not yet well understood.


메르스는 감염된 사람과 가깝게 접촉했을 때 전염되며, 대부분의 호흡기 질환과 마찬가지로, 침, 기침, 등의 비산되는 공기 입자를 통해서 감염될 수 있다.  감염자가 기침을 했을 때 공기 입자는 바이러스와 함께 전염되는것으로 추정되나, 정확한 메카니즘은 보고되지 않았다.

The virus is usually spread from an infected person to those caring for them or living with them. The CDC estimates that the incubation period for MERS is typically five to six days, though it could range as widely as two to 14 days.

가족, 간병인등의 가깝게 지내는 사람이 쉽게 전염될 수 있다.

The CDC says that the risk of MERS infection in the US is currently very low, as the last reported case here was over a year ago (in May 2014). As a precautionary measure, surveillance for the presence of MERS in our healthcare system is underway, but this is no cause for alarm. Healthcare surveillance is a standard first-line defense during outbreaks, and the presence of surveillance for MERS doesn’t indicate anything other than a very low risk of MERS infection in the US.

The current outbreak of MERS is much smaller and more contained than the recent outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, and the government of Korea is taking strong measures to prevent its continued spread. For those concerned about possible MERS infection, the CDC simply suggests standard precautions, such as regular hand washing and avoiding contact with people who are ill.


그리고, WHO 에서 오늘 낮에 발표했다시피, 한국의 후진적인 문화, 집단적인 생활방식 자체가 메르스를 전염시켰다는 보고가 있네요..

암튼...  메르스인지 코르스인지, 코러스인지, 하여튼 케이 코, KO 들어가있는게, 일단 외국에서 우리나라로 수입되면, 그리고 한국형 이라는 단어가 붙게 되면, 국격이 상승하게 됩니다.  미국에서도 곧 한국을 여행 금지 나라로 지정하겠죠. 참 국격 돋습니다.


WHO: Global Alert and Response for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)





posted by 브룽브룽
2015. 6. 2. 23:59 번역

메르스에 대한 NPR 기사에 대해 짧막한 번역과 함께 원문을 올립니다.



In this photo from 2014, passengers walk past the Middle East respiratory syndrome quarantine area at Manila's International Airport in the Phillipines. The virus is now raising public concern in South Korea. Aaron Favila/AP hide caption


2014년의 이 사진은 필리핀의 마닐라 국제 공항에서 중동의 메르스에 대비한 검역 포인트를 지나는 장면이다. 이 바이러스는 남한에서 사회적인 이슈가 되고있다.

Aaron Favila/AP

A deadly virus with no known cure — Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS — has infected 13 people in South Korea since mid-May. The fast spread of the disease, from the first case confirmed on May 20 to more than a dozen by Saturday, is prompting criticism of health officials for not moving faster to quarantine suspected patients.


메르스라고 불리우는 불치병? 바이러스가 퍼져서.. 현재 오월 중순의 시계를 가리키는 시점에 13명의 감염자로 확대되고있다. 이러한 빠른 속도의 전염으로 인해 오월 20일부터 지난 주 토요일 30일까지 단 열흘동안 열두명이 넘도록 감염자가 증가하고 있으며, , 보건복지부 당국의 무책임하며 느릿느릿한 처리 속도로 인해 사회적인 공분을 사고있다.

"We will set up a tighter quarantine system to dispel public concern," Health Minister Moon Hyung-pyo told The Korea Times. "Since the first case was found, we tried to keep it under control. But the moves weren't enough."

보건복지부 문장관은 코리아타임즈에서, 당국은 유언비어을 막기 위해 철저한 검역시스템을 준비했으며, 첫번째 환자가 발견한 이후에, 우리는 이 상황을 통제하기 위해 노력했으나, 충분하지 않았음을 시인한다.


According to health officials, the first confirmed case in South Korea was found in a 68-year-old man who traveled to Bahrain in April and May. He returned to South Korea via Qatar. Since then, the virus has spread to victims with whom he came into close contact, including a nurse and other hospital patients.

보건복지부 발표에 의하면, 68세의 환자가 지난 4-5월에 바레인지역을 여행했음을 확인했다. 그 환자는 카타르를 거쳐 한국에 리턴했으며, 그 이후에 바이러스가 인접한 간호사 및 보호자등 다른 사람에게 옮겨졌음을 확인했다.


Korea's outbreak of MERS is the largest among non-Middle Eastern countries.

MERS is from the same family as the virus that triggered China's 2003 outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS. Scientists first identified it in 2012, and since then, more than 1,100 cases have been reported in 23 countries, with the bulk majority of cases occurring in the Middle East.

So far, not only is there no known cure, there's no vaccine to prevent it, either.


한국에서 메르스 발발은 중동 이외의 지역에서 가장 큰 규모다. 


메르스는 2003년 중국을 강타했던 급성 사스 전염병과 같은 종류이며, 전문가들은 2012년에 메르스를 처음 발견했으며 23개 국가에서 1100 건이 넘는 사례가 보고되었다. 이것은 중동국가 지역에서만 발생했다고 봐도 된다...


아직 치료제가 없다.


'Deeply Sorry'

The South Korean Health Ministry said the son of a confirmed victim, who was being observed for possible MERS infection, broke a voluntary home quarantine and traveled to China on Tuesday. On Friday, the Korean Health Ministry confirmed he did contract the deadly virus, which marks the first confirmed case of MERS in China.

"We should have checked more actively and broadly on family related issues. We are deeply sorry about that," said Yang Byung-kook, director of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


대한민국 보건복지부 장관은 확진 판정된 환자의 아들이 메르스 감염에 대해 검사를 받았으나, 자발적 격리 조치를 어기고 중국으로 갔다고 주장한다. 저번 금요일에, 보복부 장관은 그 남자가 메르스 바이러스가 확진 판정되었다고 발표했다.


- 가족과 연관된 감염에 대해 광역적인 조사를 했었어야 했으며 깊이 유감을 표한다고 보복부 장관이 발표했다.

Reuters picks up the Chinese end of the story:

"Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said that authorities in Guangdong province found the Korean man on Thursday and isolated him in a hospital for treatment. They also isolated 35 people who had come in close contact with him, though none has yet to shown symptoms."

Suspected patients are supposed to stay at home or at ministry-designated hospitals after coming into close contact with someone with MERS. The Korean Health Ministry says it plans to fine medical staff who do not report suspected cases to the government, and those who refuse to have tests even after showing MERS-like symptoms, which are fever, cough and shortness of breath, will face fines of $1,800.

감염으로 의심된 환자는 자택에서 격리조치 되었다고 검역당국은 발표했으며, 또한 이러한 감염 사실을 알면서도 발표하지 않는 의료종사자들에게 벌금을 부과할 계획이라고 발표했다.


원문..주소 :



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