2017. 5. 12. 09:47 카테고리 없음



영국식 영어는 보통...  RP라고 불리우는 200여년간 지속되었던 한 개의 표준발음
을 특징으로 하고있다..

바로 지역의 특징까지도 분명히 눈치챌것이며...
비비씨 잉글리쉬, 포쉬 액센트라고도 불리운다..

퀸스 잉글리쉬..암튼 많다..

언어학자 - linguist- 데이빗 크리스털에 따르면, 18세기말 무렵부터
중상류층에서 이러한 액센트가 발현되었으며,
공립학교 등, 다양하게 전파되었다.

톰 아더에 따르면 이러하다.
분명 RP는 마이너한 언어였으나...........
이렇게 변화되었다고 회고한다......






Received pronunciation is a once prestigious variety of British English spoken without an identifiable regional accent. Commonly abbreviated as RP. Also known as British Received Pronunciation, RP, BBC English, the Queen's English, and posh accent.

"Received Pronunciation is only around 200 years old," says ​linguist David Crystal. "It emerged towards the end of the 18th century as an upper-class accent, and soon became the voice of the public schools, the civil service, and the British Empire" (Daily Mail, October 3, 2014).


According to Tom McArthur, "RP has always been a minority accent, unlikely ever to have been spoken by more than 3-4% of the British population" (The Oxford Companion to the English Language, 1992).

The term received pronunciation was introduced and described by phonetician Alexander Ellis in his book Early English Pronunciation (1869).

See Examples and Observations below. Also, see:

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