2015. 8. 23. 09:36 번역

향 약품 정보.. details.



Drugs are chemicals that alter, block, or mimic chemical reactions in the brain.

약물또는 마약: 두뇌 속의 케미컬 작용을 변경도 할 수 있음

This causes an alteration of the body's normal processes, causing physical (Faster heartbeat, deeper respiration etc.), or mental (Elevated mood, new thought processes etc.) changes.

신체 대사 과정등에 변화를 야기해서... 변형을 가져옴.

Drugs are used for a myriad of purposes, from anaesthesia, to psychotherapy, to just being able to wake up in the morning (Caffeine).

마약: 마취 라들지 심리 사이코 세라피를 위해서라들지위 이유에 의해 복용되는데...

Drugs that are used for personal pleasure (often illegally) are called Recreational Drugs.
단지 기쁨 쾌락을 위해 사용되기도 함.

Traditional RD's include marijuana, alcohol (Yes, it is a drug), MDMA (ecstasy), mushrooms, LSD, methamphetamine, heroin, crack/cocaine.

마리화나 알콜 엑스터시 엘에스디. 메타페타민. 헤로인 코케인등의 종류가 있다.

Recreational drugs come under many criticisms, and praise by opponents, and users alike.

Some believe the use of RD's to be immoral, and life-threatening, while others believe that new and thoughtful insights can come from drug use (especially psychedelics like mushrooms, and LSD)

혹자는 비윤리적이라는 이유에서 비난하지만 어떤이는 마약을 새로운 시각을 갖게하는 해결책으로 본다.

Other drugs include caffeine, psychedelic mushrooms diphenhydramine, dimehydrinate, mesculine, morphine, dextromethorphan, PCP, and chocolate (Chocolate contains theobromine, which is an effective cough suppressant, possibly more effective than cough syrups, which are also drugs. Theobromine has mild mood elevating effects. It's also the reason you don't feed chocolate to your pets.)
Contrary to popular belief, drugs are not for stupid people. Stupid people are the reason that recreational substances cause such a problem in society.

If used responsibly, drugs can bring about new insights, and positive life changes, or can be used to just sit back and relax after a hard day's work. They can leave you with a better, and renewed appreciation of life.

잘 복용하면 물론 괜찮다고...

(This is usually the work of psychedelics) Keep in mind that responsible drug use is just that: responsible. Using certain drugs with high addiction potential, like cocaine, crack, heroin, and methamphetamine to name a few, is not responsible, unless you have amazing willpower.

코케린 크렉 헤로인 메타페타민 등은 반드시 피해야 한다.

Substances like marijuana, MDMA, and LSD to name a few can all be used responsibly, and can be very fun, but if used often, they can be detrimental to your health.

마리화나 엘에스디 등은 그나마 좀 낫긴 한데 장기적으로 중독 가능성 있음.

LSD could warp your very perspectives on life to the point where you can't even look at certain things the same way anymore. Ecstasy is a neurotoxin which can leave you with long term depression. Finally, heavy marijuana use will damage your lungs (If smoked), and can leave you very unmotivated, and lethargic. It will also cause a mild cognitive impairment that will disappear after cessation of use.

In closing to this long rant, if you're intelligent, drugs won't make you stupid. If used responsibly, drugs can be a catalyst to a better, more motivated, and eventful life. As long as your drug use doesn't cross into other areas of your life (Work, school, social) you'll be alright.
잘만 이용된다면 얼마든지 모티베이셔널하게 효과를 본다. 직장 학업에 지장을 주지 않는 한 즐겁고 책임감있게 복용할 수 있다.

On the other end of the spectrum, if you're an idiot and use drugs because it's hella fun, and cool, and you use them chronically, then they will probably catalyze your downfall. Especially if you blow guys at parties for your fix.

If you don't want to use drugs, that's fine, I respect that, and your friends should too. But please, all anti-drug people out there, don't bitch at people for doing them, and telling them that they are fucking up their lives. Unless they actually are. Blowing guys are parties, doing crack everyday, robbing convienience stores for drug money, and smoking pot in class are all signs that your friend is a fuck-up who needs to stop drugs.

Remember, it's not the drugs people use, it's the people who use them.

어떤 사람이 어떤 목적에 따라 이용하느냐 이것이 문제다.

posted by 브룽브룽
2015. 8. 13. 08:53 영어공부

Who is the boss?!?

Head hancho. - borrowed from japanese word.

posted by 브룽브룽
2015. 8. 5. 17:17 카테고리 없음
take her to the moon for me, okay?





잊지 못할것 같다..



posted by 브룽브룽
2015. 7. 29. 12:48 카테고리 없음

 broken englsih examples. 콩글리쉬

 브로큰 잉글리쉬




1. 러닝머신  treadmill (트레드밀)

 2.스킨쉽    making out, physical contact, cuddle

 3.파이팅    way to go, go for it

 4.사이다    seven up/ sprite

 5.폴라 티    turtle neck

 6.카스테라(빵) sponge cake

 7.대일밴드  sticking plaster

 8.깁스        cast

posted by 브룽브룽
2015. 7. 24. 07:25 카테고리 없음

what is ....supposed to be like?


어떨거 같아?


what is the real game supposed to be like today?


what is the weather supposed to be like today?




your guess could be wrong......


you might be wrong.....



야외 수영장....

out door swiming pool


--- though

문장끝에서.... 역접의 의미가 있다.

posted by 브룽브룽